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A network server specialist programmes a computer server in the Data Center at University College London. credit: Alejandro Walter Salinas Lopez

Research technology professionals: the hidden roles behind research success

Research Technology Professionals play a crucial role in achieving high-quality research outputs. Supporting their career progression benefits the whole research community.

credit: Barts Health NHS Trust

Queen Mary’s genes project goes national

A QMUL-led project to improve the representation of British people with Pakistani and Bangladeshi heritage in genetic datasets has reached a key milestone.

A researcher snaps a photograph of the recently assembled LUX-ZEPLIN xenon detector in the Surface Assembly Lab cleanroom at Sanford Underground Research Facility on July 26, 2019. Photo by Nick Hubbard.

SES members to receive £24m for particle physics research

Six SES members to receive a share of a £60m investment, which supports the next generation of particle physicists.

credit: UCL Creative Media Services

Apprenticeships: uncovering technical talent

To celebrate National Apprenticeship Week, we look at some of the technical talent recruited to our universities through apprenticeships.

Conor Howell-Bennett - glassblowing technician, University of Nottingham

The TALENT Commission Report

A vision for the future of the UK’s technical talent in research has been unveiled following a project funded by UKRI-Research England.

Part of the Widcombe Flight of six locks on the Kennett and Avon Canal

What the Levelling Up White Paper means for research

Does the Levelling Up white paper signal a dramatic geographical rebalancing of research and development spending? Here’s what the experts think.


Green labs go global with LEAF

Sustainable practices are becoming the norm in labs across the world thanks to the Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework (LEAF).


Bringing academia and industry together

Each year, NCUB celebrates collaborations between universities and industry in a report highlighting trends in innovation. This year, activities at two SES members are featured.

Case Study

Climate change modelling and DAFNI’s role in the OpenCLIM project

DAFNI, an infrastructure research platform managed by a University of Oxford-led partnership, is to play a significant role in assessing the risk of climate change in the UK.