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Universities united in research excellence and innovation

We are a hub of world-leading universities, committed to achieving positive impacts for humanity through sustained investment in research.

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These RTPs are responsible for maintaining Imperial's research computing platforms, such as the high-performance computing and research data store

Supporting digital Research Technical Professionals: Building a community, shaping careers

With a growing recognition of the technical skills needed to underpin modern research, a project has been launched to support a community of professionals with these skills. Jeremy Cohen describes STEP-UP and how it will give this community the infrastructure they deserve.

Data: Clarivate as analysed by UCL colleagues. Graphic: Janine Clayton

Our strengths, in numbers

Our members’ research excellence extends over many different fields, but a data analysis we commissioned shows some clear strengths.

credit: Andrew Bailey/University of Oxford'

Celebrating communities’ role in science

Universities are regional anchors and integral to their ‘place’ with many examples of collaborating on scientific research with communities. Here are some recent community-led research activities by our members.


Reflections on COP28: how our partner universities are inspiring a green revolution 

Universities and the ground-breaking research from their dedicated teams have long influenced the conversations and change connected to COP. Here are highlights from some of our members’ COP-related research and activities. 


The economic impact of King’s College London

More than a third of the impact generated by King’s College London’s knowledge exchange and research activities occurred outside the capital, a report by London Economics reveals.

Students at UCL credit: Alejandro Walter Salinas Lopez

SES members to play a leading role in training future scientists and engineers

Some 4,000 students will benefit from a £1bn investment in doctoral training centres for engineering and physical sciences, with SES members lead partners in almost a third of them.