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Imperial College London

Imperial College London is a global top ten university with a world-class reputation in science, engineering, business and medicine. Imperial’s mission is to achieve enduring excellence in research and education in science, engineering, medicine and business, for the benefit of society.

Imperial’s research and innovation has an impact well beyond the borders of the university: this interactive map demonstrates how Imperial’s work benefits all regions and nations of the UK through academic, industry and community partnerships that help to drive economic growth, provide skills and improve health outcomes across the UK.  

Imperial research informs global public policy debates and helps policymakers discover new thinking, including through the policy engagement programme The Forum.  

Imperial’s new White City Campus in West London is an integrated collaborative campus, with embedded corporate, academic and community partners coming together to tackle grand challenges. White City creates a new model of a university working in partnership with its surrounding community – sharing the passion and love of science, discovery, problem-solving and understanding with society in new ways to reach people not connected with before. 

Member stories

credit: Andrew Bailey/University of Oxford'

Celebrating communities’ role in science

Universities are regional anchors and integral to their ‘place’ with many examples of collaborating on scientific research with communities. Here are some recent community-led research activities by our members.


Reflections on COP28: how our partner universities are inspiring a green revolution 

Universities and the ground-breaking research from their dedicated teams have long influenced the conversations and change connected to COP. Here are highlights from some of our members’ COP-related research and activities. 

Students at UCL credit: Alejandro Walter Salinas Lopez

SES members to play a leading role in training future scientists and engineers

Some 4,000 students will benefit from a £1bn investment in doctoral training centres for engineering and physical sciences, with SES members lead partners in almost a third of them.


Discovering positive research initiatives at SES universities

Our partner universities are at the cutting edge of research. They constantly strive to create environments where new ideas can flourish, and innovation is second nature.


The spin-outs changing our world

Spin-outs have the potential to redefine how research, patient care and product development is handled in the future. Find out about SES members’ spin-out activities.

Farmland in North Wales © Mary Hinkley

Showing our impact – REF 2021

Looking beyond SES members’ excellent performance in REF 2021 to their case studies reveals the positive impact their research is having. Here are some examples.


Professor Mary Ryan

Professor Mary Ryan

Executive board member

Imperial College London

Dr Angela Kingman

SES operational lead

Imperial College London