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Reflections on COP28: how our partner universities are inspiring a green revolution 

Universities and the ground-breaking research from their dedicated teams have long influenced the conversations and change connected to COP. Here are highlights from some of our members’ COP-related research and activities. 

Discovering positive research initiatives at SES universities

Our partner universities are at the cutting edge of research. They constantly strive to create environments where new ideas can flourish, and innovation is second nature.

The spin-outs changing our world

Spin-outs have the potential to redefine how research, patient care and product development is handled in the future. Find out about SES members’ spin-out activities.

Farmland in North Wales © Mary Hinkley

Showing our impact – REF 2021

Looking beyond SES members’ excellent performance in REF 2021 to their case studies reveals the positive impact their research is having. Here are some examples.

Crafting culture change

This year is the tenth anniversary of the Research Software Engineers’ community. It’s a milestone for the group – but also a huge milestone for the UK research environment.

(Credit: Advanced Research Computing UCL)

Research technology professionals – adding value to research teams

When research technology professionals work with your team it makes for ‘happy researchers’ delegates at a SES event heard last month.

Bringing academia and industry together

Each year, NCUB celebrates collaborations between universities and industry in a report highlighting trends in innovation. This year, activities at two SES members are featured.

A lab at UCL where LEAF was developed. Alejandro Walter Salinas Lopez ©2019 UCL. ISD Digital Media. University College London. All rights reserved.

Making laboratories greener with LEAF

Historically, universities have lacked guidance on how to make labs more sustainable. Now SES members are using the LEAF framework to build sustainability into day-to-day lab usage.

Wind turbines in a field in North Wales. © UCL Media Services - University College London

How our universities are supporting COP26

COP26 in Glasgow is showcasing the innovation and research influencing policy makers’ decisions on climate change. Find out how SES member universities are contributing.

credit: Jason Hawkes

Our universities, transforming communities, industries and the economy

Celebrating the collective successes of Science and Engineering South member universities in the UK Knowledge Exchange Framework