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Research Data Café

Staff from our member universities play a key role in helping to deliver better academic support in data management.

Through working groups that we coordinate, they are sharing knowledge about how to better support data-driven research at their institution. One of these groups is the Research Data Café which meets every term.

The group has been meeting virtually, but we had a face to face meet up for March 2023 and have more planned from autumn 2024 onwards.

Topics discussed have included discussions on e-labnotebooks, the impact of the pandemic on research data management and the future of research. Participants are welcome to make suggestions of future topics that the group can cover via the button below.

If you are a researcher or university professional with an interest in the management of research data at a participating university, you would be welcome to join us at the next meeting. Please use the button below to register your interest.

For more information about our universities’ work in this area, please view our research data webpage.

These RTPs are responsible for maintaining Imperial's research computing platforms, such as the high-performance computing and research data store

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