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Prospects in Data Science: Going Digital in the New Forest

Last week, data scientists, researchers and students descended upon Carey’s Manor in the depths of the New Forest to attend the 2016 Data Science Symposium, hosted …

Artist's conception illustrating the brown dwarf named 2MASSJ22282889-431026 Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
Case Study

HPC Adds Extra Dimension To The Search For Extraterrestrial Life

The SES consortium’s Emerald supercomputer is providing UCL astrophysicists with the computing firepower they need to help pinpoint exoplanets capable of supporting alien lifeforms.


Guest Post: Sinan Shi talks #SESBigData

Sinan Shi, Research Software Developer at University College London, was among the invited guests at SES’s Big Data event. He recaps the day and reflects …


Catch Up on SES Big Data

The SES Big Data: Innovation in Analysis, Usability and Curation event was held on 18th September 2015.  Featuring talks from key researchers at SES institutions and …

Case Study

Imaging Software Bring the Brain into Fuller Focus

Innovative software developed at the Oxford Centre for Functional MRI of the Brain (FMRIB) is on track to improve our understanding of the mind’s innermost …

Case study: Computing Power helps researchers unlock DNAs mysteries
Case Study

Computing Power Helps Researchers Unlock DNA’s Mysteries

oxDNA, a novel computer model developed at the University of Oxford, is shedding light on how DNA behaves – underpinning valuable breakthroughs in fields such as improved drug delivery within the human body.

Case Study

Combined codes for chemistry research

Iridis distributed memory computing cluster can handle the vast calculations needed to develop new methodologies in scientific research, including chemistry.


Solving unsteady fluid flows with Hyperflux

An Innovate UK- and EPSRC-funded project called Hyperflux is bringing together industry and academia to tackle the problem of modeling unsteady fluid flow. Peter Vincent, …


Slowing the ageing process

By 2024, it’s estimated that over half of the population of the UK will be over 50 years old. That statistic has implications both for …