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credit: Andrew Bailey/University of Oxford'

Celebrating communities’ role in science

Universities are regional anchors and integral to their ‘place’ with many examples of collaborating on scientific research with communities. Here are some recent community-led research activities by our members.


The economic impact of King’s College London

More than a third of the impact generated by King’s College London’s knowledge exchange and research activities occurred outside the capital, a report by London Economics reveals.


The economic and social impact of Queen Mary University of London

More than a third of the identifiable regional-based impact generated by Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) occurred outside of the capital, a report by independent consultants reveals

Infographic showing impact of university of Cambridge

The economic and social impact of the University of Cambridge

Almost half of the identifiable regional-based impact generated by the University of Cambridge occurred outside the east of England, a report by independent consultants reveals.


Discovering positive research initiatives at SES universities

Our partner universities are at the cutting edge of research. They constantly strive to create environments where new ideas can flourish, and innovation is second nature.

University of Southampton Science Park

The economic and social impact of the University of Southampton

More than a third of the identifiable regional-based impact generated by the University of Southampton occurred outside the south east of England, a report by independent consultants reveals.

University College London, North West WingPhotographer: Mary Hinkley Copyright: © UCL Digital Media

The economic and social impact of UCL

UCL’s social and economic impact is £9.9bn per year and is felt across the whole UK, according to an independent report.


The economic impact of the University of Oxford

Almost 40% of the £3.4bn generated by The University of Oxford’s knowledge exchange activities occurred outside the south east of England, a report reveals.

The Angel of the North in Gateshead Photo by Anthony Winter on Unsplash

Mapping the impact of our universities’ research across the UK

SES member institutions are all located in the south east of England, yet the impact of their research can be felt across the whole of the UK, and indeed across the world.

A woman pictured using the UCL / Ventura developed CPAP breathing aid (credit: James Tye / UCL)

Using the equipment sharing database to tackle COVID-19

University equipment sharing databases were a response to new grant funding requirements, but Chris Wilkinson reports that the University of Cambridge’s database is taking on added significance in the COVID-19 pandemic.

Photo by Fusion Medical Animation on Unsplash

SES universities take leading role in coronavirus research

Researchers from across Science and Engineering South (SES) member institutions have joined the international response to the coronavirus in an effort to develop treatments, vaccinations and protect communities.


SES Open: Harnessing FAIR Data

Open Science is a contemporary and relevant theme across the UK research landscape. This year we’re hosting a series of exciting events that directly engage …