SES Open: Harnessing FAIR Data

Open Science is a contemporary and relevant theme across the UK research landscape. This year we’re hosting a series of exciting events that directly engage with the practice of opening up science. From opening up the discussion on representation of women and people of diverse backgrounds in research, to providing a forum for debate on the opportunities and struggles in mining or storing data, we invite scientists, staff, students, policymakers, scholars and stakeholders in science and education to join us.Harnessing FAIR Data focused on researchers who employ or are seeking to use data in their work. FAIR is a set of guiding principles to make data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable. In this thematic context we aimed to better understand the cross-disciplinary practice of sourcing, using and managing data and its associated implications, such as ownership, standards and metadata, and access and licensing. Experienced speakers from around the UK will came together to explore FAIR data and services, and a panel session helped to identify key questions that researchers face when considering using data in research. This event was hosted by QMUL, UCL and the SES Consortium.Scroll down for presentations/video
From past events
“Diverse speakers and audience “
” I think you got this one just right”
“Ethics discussions were engaging, informative and interesting to see”
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Realising the Potential: Final report of the Open Data Task Force, University of WarwickTalk unavailable due to sensitive content.Reusing Science: Why unFAIR Access is Unacceptable, ContentMineDownload presentation | Watch talkLightning Talk: Using socio-ecological simulation models to make the most of hard-won paleoecological data, King’s College LondonWatch TalkLightning Talk: Publishing FAIR Data in Chemistry: The Case of NMR Data, Imperial College LondonDownload presentation | Watch TalkLightning Talk: Benefits and costs of FAIR and open approaches in evolutionary genomics, Queen Mary University of LondonWatch TalkFAIR in practice: Investigating the meaning and impact of implementing FAIR data principlesDownload presentation | Watch talkThe Re-use of Consumer Data for the Social Good, Consumer Data Research Centre, UCLWatch TalkLightning Talk: The CLOSER consortium of longitudinal studies: Opportunities and obstacles in harmonising data from diverse sources, CLOSER, UCL Institute of EducationDownload presentationLightning Talk: A Journey to Fairness: what we need and where we are, Oxford eResearch Centre, University of OxfordWatch Talk