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Data vs Dementia

Maxine Mackintosh on early intervention to prevent cognitive decline and the One HealthTech community. Maxine Mackintosh is a PhD student at University College London working …

Clear Signals for a Bright 5G Future

If 5G is to fully realise its massive potential, some important challenges still need to be tackled

In Computational Combat Against Microbial Resistance

Victoria Carr on gene sequencing, women in tech and getting out there. Victoria Carr is a Bioinformatics and Data Science PhD Researcher at King’s College …

Boosting Blood Flow

How Machine Learning is helping researchers develop medical implants We talk to Dr. Peter Vincent about the various applications of computational fluid dynamics and machine …

Protecting Patients

Protecting Patients: early disease detection at Guy’s Hospital Join Prof. Julia Schnabel, one of the doctors and staff at King’s College London/Guy’s and St. Thomas’ …

Aiding Unborn Babies

Aiding Unborn Babies: the new MRI imaging techniques helping to diagnose and treat Join the doctors and staff at King’s College London/Guy’s and St. Thomas’ …

Trailblazing Training Adds to Chemistry’s Attraction

When designing new molecules for pharmaceutical and other uses, the key is to combine the right elements in the right way. The same is true …

Modelling the ‘Magic’: the Search for Nanocatalysts

The drive to design new materials with surprising capabilities is a fast-moving frontier of research – and computers are well-established as a crucial tool in …

MMM Hub and JADE debuted at EPSRC Tier 2 Launch

New HPC Centres JADE and the MMM Hub were revealed last week at the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) High Performance Computing (HPC) Launch Event …

Queen Mary University of London Joins SES

One of London’s largest institutions and a leader in scientific research, Queen Mary University of London joins SES in early 2017, joining other consortia members …

Reassessing Asthma: Biomarkers, Business and Big Data

Affecting millions and costing billions worldwide every year, asthma needs to be better understood to enable better treatment and management of this frequently distressing, sometimes …

The Data Dialogue: At War with Data

Cyber security, open source intelligence, web science, bioinformatics and crime science…all modern and relevant terms in the UK research landscape, and all with one thing …