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Imperial College London

A lab at UCL where LEAF was developed. Alejandro Walter Salinas Lopez ©2019 UCL. ISD Digital Media. University College London. All rights reserved.

Making laboratories greener with LEAF

Historically, universities have lacked guidance on how to make labs more sustainable. Now SES members are using the LEAF framework to build sustainability into day-to-day lab usage.

Wind turbines in a field in North Wales. © UCL Media Services - University College London

How our universities are supporting COP26

COP26 in Glasgow is showcasing the innovation and research influencing policy makers’ decisions on climate change. Find out how SES member universities are contributing.

credit: Jason Hawkes

Our universities, transforming communities, industries and the economy

Celebrating the collective successes of Science and Engineering South member universities in the UK Knowledge Exchange Framework

The Angel of the North in Gateshead Photo by Anthony Winter on Unsplash

Mapping the impact of our universities’ research across the UK

SES member institutions are all located in the south east of England, yet the impact of their research can be felt across the whole of the UK, and indeed across the world.

SES institutions to benefit from £14 million for HPC services

Researchers across the Science and Engineering South Consortium (SES) are to share the benefits of a £30 million investment in advanced supercomputing services.

Establishing Innovation At The Centre Of Drug Delivery

Trailblazing work at a London research centre is aiding development of new drug therapies that are not just more effective at preventing and treating diseases but also faster and more affordable to manufacture.

Dr. Peter Vincent – Computational Fluid Dynamics for Industry and Manufacturing. Part Three

We sat down with Dr. Peter Vincent to gain some insight into his research at Vincent Lab. Dr. Vincent has been a key user of …

Why Use High Performance Computing with Dr. Vincent

We sat down with Dr. Peter Vincent to gain some insight into his research at Vincent Lab ( Dr. Vincent has been a key user …

Header image for Computer Code Solves a Quantum Mechanical Problem case study

Computer Code Solves a Quantum Mechanical Problem

A unique computer code that can model systems comprising thousands of atoms is driving fresh scientific discoveries

What is CFD with Dr. Peter Vincent

We sat down with Dr. Peter Vincent to gain some insight into his research at Vincent Lab ( Dr. Vincent has been a key user …

Solving unsteady fluid flows with Hyperflux

An Innovate UK- and EPSRC-funded project called Hyperflux is bringing together industry and academia to tackle the problem of modeling unsteady fluid flow. Peter Vincent, …

High-order Computational Fluid Dynamics

Application to Design of Next-Generation Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Computational simulation of fluid flow, often referred to as Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), plays an critical role …