King’s College London Joins SES

King’s College London, one of the world’s leading research and teaching universities, has recently joined the Science and Engineering South Consortium (SES). Ranked in the top 20 universities worldwide (2015-16 QS international world rankings), King’s brings to SES a rich history of scientific investment and cutting-edge research. As the largest centre for the education of healthcare professionals in Europe, King’s adds it’s own unique capabilities to the consortium and proves that SES is continuing to grow, leveraging our collective expertise to create cutting edge science, which we could not achieve alone.
Representing King’s on the board of PVC’s is Chris Mottershead (Vice-Principal for Research and Innovation, King’s College London), who expresses that:
‘We are delighted to join the SES consortium and to be able to add our complementary expertise and resources to the pre-existing strengths of the group. We look forward to contributing to the shared activities and outputs.’
SES is not the first collaboration for King’s with our member institutions, the college already partners on a number of projects, as well as various Centres for Doctoral Training, including:
- The London Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme (with UCL)
- The London School of Geometry and Number Theory (with Imperial College London and UCL)
- The Centre for Doctoral Training in Medical Imaging (with Imperial College London)
- The London NERC Doctoral Training Partnership (with UCL)
Becoming the Consortium’s sixth member, King’s joins several other top universities in a shared commitment to facilitate access to resources, sharing knowledge and infrastructure.
Chris Mottershead on joining SES
SES would like to extend a warm welcome to all King’s staff, Academics, and Researchers who will be working with us in the future.